TARP Border Collies
Furry Paws
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Furry Paws

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What is Furry Paws? Furry-Paws is the creation of a very dear friend of Hardey Border Collies. It's a virtual dog game where you can raise, train, play with, feed, and show virtual dogs. They have over 190 breeds and counting, and 15 dog sports. So go ahead, sign up today if you haven't already.

Kids and adults from around the world set up their kennels, raise, train and feed their dogs. When a dog is ready, they can compete in a wide variety of dog sports. This game teaches responsibility, and is strictly monitored to keep it kid safe. The participants help with the monitoring, and infractions are dealt with quickly.


Check out Furry Paws!


Please note, the images you find throughout BuzzSaw's Border Collie Graphics and Store are the product of long hours and hard work. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor and am delighted that you have visited. However, please note, that just because you have found these images on the Web do not construe that they are public domain. Please respect copyright laws. If nothing else, respect my right to the fruits of my labor. Thank you!
